Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back to my old gym

It's a really swanky place. But that's good. Because they have these rooms where you can go lie down after your workout. Or if you're me, you can go masturbate. Sometimes you don't even have to do it alone.

The place is good for another reason too. Most of the men there don't get into those hangups that you see in other places, which consist of guys trying desperately to hold a towel around the waist while lowering the workout shorts (and frequently boxers, which baffles me -- how can a man exercise with virtually no support?), just so no one might notice that, shock and surprise, they have a penis. Or perhaps it's just so much institutionalized homophobia that the thought process is that if any of the gay or bisexual men should happen to see this penis, they would immediately swoon and be compelled to throw themselves at these obviously blessed men.

Haven't had the chance yet to take advantage of the nap rooms. Maybe tomorrow.


  1. Towel around the waist? Really? Is this customary in the USA?
    I feel uncomfortable undressing too, but I'd never use a towel. That would make it even worse.

  2. I'm afraid that's standard, Peter, among some anyway.
